Bye bye everybody


I cannot say I am sad (tomorrow at 10.00am I will finish my undergraduate studies!!!) but I feel a sense of loss, like everytime something I really enjoyed finishes. I will remember this course: first it introduced me to blogging, and then it gave me some ‘keys’ to unlock today’s situations.

I hope tomorrow the questions about the two weddings will not be too difficult, considering also that we do not have much time to write…

I think I will focus on the political significance of both. I will try to  analyze the place in British history the two wedding had and how the difference was expressed through the performance of the ritual. More than the symbols in theirselves I will examine the structure and the symbolism of the two performances.

Having said that, maybe the two questions will have nothing to do with all the above!!! And so… I will be in trouble.

Thanks to all the class bloggers for their interesting posts. It has been helpful to read your ideas and comments.

Wish you all the best